From the very beginning of bringing the gambling market back into the legal field, both legislators and the professional gambling community paid considerable attention to the issue of gambling advertising.
Ukraine, like most jurisdictions in the civilized world, where gambling has long been an integral part of the entertainment industry, regulates advertising activities in the field of gambling quite clearly, based on the principles of responsible gambling and the need to prevent gambling addiction.
The main requirements for gambling business advertising are defined in the Law of Ukraine "On State Regulation of Activities Regarding the Organization and Conduct of Gambling Games" and are focused on the following areas:
1) Introduction of time limits on radio and television from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and contextual limits in all print media (except for specialized publications devoted to gambling).
2) Introduction of requirements for advertisers to report the possibility of developing gambling addiction.
3) Prohibition of targeting gambling advertising on vulnerable groups of the population (minors, low-income persons, persons suffering from mental illnesses).
4) Prohibition to use persons under the age of 21 in advertising, in particular as photo models.
5) Obligation to contain only reliable information and provide information on the possibility of losing money during the game.
The Ukrainian Gambling Council (UGC), the largest professional association of legal gambling organizers in Ukraine, has always declared the strategy of maximum transparency, law-abidance and social responsibility of the gambling business as one of its priorities.
For the implementation of this strategy in the operation of gambling companies, in October 2021, after several months of fruitful joint work on the document, the legal gambling organizers who are members of the UGC signed the Memorandum on a common policy in gambling advertising and a number of self-limitations that the signatories impose on themselves during the formation of the advertising policy. For example, such self-limitations include:
- Prohibition of using images of money or other material resources (chips, tokens, etc.) that contain denominations and make it possible to make a bet in a gambling game.
- Prohibition of demonstration of the process of pouring / giving or other dynamic movement of money, coins, bank cards, bank metals, etc.
- Refusal to use hyperlinks (QR-codes) within the sponsorship information when placing sponsored materials.
- Refraining from luring away traffic and misleading players through the use of similar trademarks of other Parties to the Memorandum, etc.
The overall purpose of these restrictions is to ensure safety and protection of consumers' rights, especially rights of those who may become victims of gambling addiction. They also contribute to the legalization of the gambling business and combating against crime in this field.
Accordingly, when you see an advertising that does not meet the above principles and requirements, it is an advertising of an illegal business.