The Ukrainian Gambling Council welcomes today’s decision of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy to refer draft law No. 2713-д for another first reading.
In our opinion, the key positive aspects are the following parameters laid down in this draft law, namely:
(1) the GGR rate will be 10% for all types of gambling, and the concept of difference in the calculation of this tax is introduced;
(2) only those winnings that exceed 8 minimum wages will be taxed;
(3) the triple license fees for the respective gambling areas are terminated. The draft law also contains a crucial addition: the triple license fees already paid will be credited in the form of future annual license fees;
(4) the Committee asked the NBU to revise the limits for cash transactions with individuals for land-based casinos.
We are convinced that the adoption of draft law No. 2713-д will help inflict even greater damage to the illegal segment, so that players stay away from illegal gambling halls, and the state has a chance to attract large investments from western countries. The major global gambling actors are closely monitoring the solution of the tax issues faced by the gambling business in Ukraine.
In view of the prompt consideration of the tax bill by the specialized committee, we hope that the first reading will take place in the coming plenary week.
We take this opportunity to thank all those in government agencies for the systematic work on the legalization and development of the gambling business in Ukraine.