Ukrainian Gambling Council is pleased to announce that a new member, Cosmolot, joined our common platform.
In February 2021, Cosmolot became the first company licensed to organize and carry out online casino gambling in Ukraine. The main project of the company, which uses the world’s best safe gambling technologies in Ukraine, is the online entertainment platform cosmolot.ua uniting around 50 game providers.
Cosmolot is a company highly concentrated on the protection of customers’ interests.
Serhii Potapov, Cosmolot CEO, commented on joining the Ukrainian Gambling Council: “Cosmolot is a progressive and responsible company helping people to safely receive entertainment services when visiting online casinos. Our mission is to create an ecosystem of responsible gambling in Ukraine so that legal gambling benefits society and the State. I am pleased that the UGC became our platform where we can share our experience with the entire market.”
Commenting on Cosmolot’s entry, UGC Chairman Anton Kuchukhidze emphasized: “I am sure that Cosmolot’s work will strengthen not only our common platform but the entire market. The company puts the focus on keeping our society and young people constantly informed of the social risks of gambling, as well as advocates for the fight against gambling advertising among minors. Responsible gambling operator = responsible gambling business = successful government reform and social protection.
Responsibility and emphasis on social protection is the hallmark of legal operators, which distinguishes them from the grey or black-market actors. The State began a systemic reform aimed at de-shadowing the gambling business for the very purpose of protecting its citizens.”
Cosmolot’s decision to join the Ukrainian Gambling Council once again demonstrates the importance of the UGC, a professional union able to openly and transparently represent the interests of the legal gambling industry in Ukraine.
UGC is an all-Ukrainian specialized gambling public association seeking to unite the entire legal gambling industry into a single voice to ensure stable and effective development of the gambling business in Ukraine. UGC acts as the main platform for communication between the state and the entire legal gambling industry.