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Global gambling market continues to grow

Нещодавно компанія H2 Gambling Capital, яка є одним із найавторитетніших аналRecently, H2 Gambling Capital, one of the most respected analytical resources in the gambling industry, released the results of a study on the short-term prospects of the global gambling market. The key conclusion is that despite the complication of the economic situation and the introduction of new regulatory restrictions on gambling, the market will continue to grow, especially its online segment. The Ukrainian gambling sector can benefit from this, the main thing is to draw the right conclusions.

Both in Ukraine and abroad, the gambling sector demonstrates a very high level of adaptability. This determines its intensive growth rate, especially if favourable conditions are created in a certain jurisdiction. And this is confirmed by statistics recently published as part of a study by H2 Gambling Capital. Here are some interesting conclusions that can be drawn from its analysis.

1.The gambling sector will grow most rapidly in North America, Europe, Asia and, surprisingly, the Middle East. Over the next five years, the average increase in transaction volume in these markets is expected to reach 10.8%.

2.Sports betting, lotteries, and casinos, especially their online segments, will grow most rapidly. The increase in money supply in the online segment will be driven by the intensification of technology development and strong economic growth in the above regions.

3.The average annual growth rate of the iGaming sector will be 10.7% or more over the next 5 years. As early as 2029, the share of the online segment in the global gambling market will exceed 35%. Moreover, it is expected that not only the volume of transactions, but also the volume of winnings will grow. By 2029, total winnings in the iGaming segment will exceed $240 billion. One of the main explanations for this trend is the improvement of regulatory legislation in developed markets, which increasingly prioritises the rights of players and, in particular, their right to payout.

This developmental trend means that all jurisdictions should keep their finger on the pulse of improving the business environment. And Ukraine is no exception. Unresolved problems with tax legislation, a slow fight against illegal operators, and the constant introduction of new restrictions all hinder the development of the market and discourage global companies from investing in gambling projects in Ukraine.

That is why we need to put things in order with taxes as soon as possible and create favourable conditions for the development of the legal gambling segment. Given a well-established regulatory framework and transparent tax policy, specialised investors are ready to invest in the Ukrainian jurisdiction, especially in online projects. And we have to fight for these funds, because in times of war, investments in any segment are vital. They are the external resource that is lacking in the domestic market due to objective circumstances, but which fills the state budget and creates jobs, thus supporting the functioning of the economy in extremely difficult times.



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